1. Firstly we need to create a list to store the data. Go to Data > Lists > Add New. From here you will see a list of your existing lists as well.
2. In the next page you will enter the fields as shown below
- List ID (Numerical format)
- List Name
- List description (Enter a relevant description but this can be left blank)
- Campaign (Select the campaign you want to assign the list to)
- Active
- Submit
3. Once your list has been created it is now time to load leads into it. Click on Import Data on the left panel which will take you to the data loading section.
Note that there is an Old Lead Loader which can also be used. Both types will be covered below.
Current Lead Loader
4. Carrying on with the current lead loader you will be shown the below. From here you can select the list you have created or an existing list and the destination country of the leads you are calling.
5. Once you continue you will be redirected to the second stage in which you select your file. Ensure the file is CSV as this is a valid format to be uploaded. Below you have multiple options such as duplicate checks and removing any digits or characters. This is useful as data sheets may be in an invalid format for the dialler.
Simply tick what requirements you want for your data when it is uploaded.
6. Click continue and your data will be loaded in and the final step will be to match the fields as shown below. Ensure you have assigned the headings you require.
7. Once done your data will be loaded and a summary page will be shown displaying the stats. This covers the:
Total Leads
Invalid Numbers
Old Lead Loader
1. Once You have clicked on Old Lead Loader you will be directed to this page below.
2. Click choose file to upload your data file. Ensure this is in a CSV format so it is compatible to upload.
3. Then select your list ID to upload your data into.
4. You can then select a duplicate check according to the criteria as below. A duplicate check is optional but highly recommended. This will filter out duplicates so the same numbers are not being called again.
5. Once you click continue you will be directed to the page below in which you will need to match your headings.
6. Once done scroll down and click okay to process which will then take you to the summary page showing the total good and bad leads. There will always be 1 bad as this is the headings on your spreadsheet.