Our new dialler interface introduces a new feature, a carrier log report that allows agents to easily comprehend any error which may occur whilst dialing. The list below will be a further expansion to that feature, by not only giving you a breakdown – but also displaying how to move forward;
403: Forbidden – This signifies that your Caller ID is most likely being blocked by our carriers, this may happen due to your current number being previously reported, which has become an easy task with new smartphone technologies.
404: Not Found – As the name suggests, numbers that return this message to be invalid and therefore not able to be contacted.
408: Request Timeout – The dialler was not able to reach the individual/customer on time, this could be due to the customer's phone ringing but having no answer.
484: Address incomplete – Please look into the number that was dialed and insure that it is within the correct format and sufficient digits.
480: Temporarily Unavailable – The callee was successfully reached but it may be happen that they are currently on do-not-disturb or are not willing or able to take additional calls.
500: Internal Error – The server encountered an unexpected problem, we would advise contacting our support team if it persists.
If you do happen to come across any issues, we are available twenty-four/seven to answer any queries you may have.
You may also send us a ticket via
support@primodialler.com - where we will be able to track any requests and keep you updated on any work we are doing.