In this guide
we will learn how to take inbound calls in campaign and how to route the DIDs
to relevant inbound groups. Please follow below steps to complete DID route
1. Route The DIDs to INBOUND Group
First we need to check if DID is routed towards respective inbound group.
Go to Admin Panel -> Inbound ->
Inbound Numbers
-> Edit ; this route will show all the DID numbers assigned
to your account.
Select respective inbound group where you
want to route the numbers.
2. Inbound Group Settings
In this step, we learn how to change the
color of the inbound call and how to allow different agents to take inbound
Here you can enter colors to differentiate
between inbound group calls. If you have more than one inbound group, then
colors will help agents tell apart different inbound groups.
Scrolling down to Agent ranks, you will
have different ranks for the agents.
If no agent is selected than all agents
will be able to take inbound calls from this ingroup.
If you want to select
some specific agents for inbound calls, check the box and submit.
3. Select the relevant inbound group under campaign.
In this step, we need to make sure the relevant campaign is selected under campaign.
Go to campaigns- > campaigns -> Edit
To take inbound calls, we need to make sure
Allow Inbound and Blended is set to ‘Y’.
Allow closers ‘Y’ will allow Closers
to get transfers from agents as well.
By scrolling down, we step upon Allow Inbound
Group setting.
Check the box of respective inbound group
where DID number is routed.
Here we allowed PrimoTestttINB group as DID is routed towards this group.
transfer groups with that inbound group will allow agents to transfer the calls
as well.
Check the boxes and submit.
4. Select Inbound Groups when Logging in as Agent
sure to select appropriate inbound groups, when logging in as agent.
This agent
will be able to take inbound calls while outbound dialing.
Agents will be able to take inbound calls in campaign now.